Refurbishment contractors

When working on cooling tower or waste water treatment projects, are you keen to increase your average waste recycle rate by reducing the amount of plastic material you send to landfill? BM Tech is able to process and clean uPVC plastic fill media so it can be recycled. Landfill is no longer the only option, recycling with BM Tech is best practise!

The uPVC plastic fill media has a low density and is difficult to compact. Depending on the size of the job, this can result in a large number of vehicle movements when transporting pack, creating a logistics headache and inefficient loading.

The BM Tech compactor loading a lorry trailer
No more loading skips by hand! The BM Tech compactor is brought to your site and self loads.

The BM Tech mobile compactor is brought to your worksite and is capable of self-loading, shredding, compacting and forcing the compacted waste plastic media into a lorry trailer. This offers the opportunity to significantly reduce the number of vehicles moving between your site and the BM Tech recycling facility.  That means easier transport logistics and saves transport CO2 emissions.

Image of Transport calculator
Request a copy of our calculator to work out how the BM Tech compactor can help you reduce vehicle movements and reduce CO2 emissions!

BM Tech is familiar with working on operational sites and is able to provide the necessary method statements, risk assessments, certificates and policies to confirm this.  Please call 07947 352934 to talk to us to find out how we could help you. We would be delighted to discuss best practise ideas to ensure efficient operations.  Use this calculator to help estimate the volume and weight of waste plastic, so we can decide if the compactor is likely to be needed.

Request our calculator

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